- 22/02/2025
- Na Piarsaigh
- Na Piarsaigh

- Na Piarsaigh
- 13:00
- 13:00

- Erins Own
- Erins Own
Referee: Alec Gibbons (Pending)
Referee: Alec Gibbons (Pending)
Comment: Agreed
Venue: Na Piarsaigh
Comment: Agreed
- 08/03/2025
- Caherlag
- Erins Own

- Erins Own
- 15:00
- 15:00

- Valley Rovers
- Valley Rovers
Referee: TBC (Pending)
Referee: TBC (Pending)
Comment: Changed from 09/03
Venue: Caherlag
Comment: Changed from 09/03
- 09/03/2025
- Caherlag
- Erins Own

- Erins Own
- 11:30
- 11:30

- Aghabullogue
- Aghabullogue
Referee: TBC (Pending)
Referee: TBC (Pending)
Comment: Moved from 08/03
Venue: Caherlag
Comment: Moved from 08/03
- 03/04/2025
- Killeagh
- Killeagh

- Killeagh
- 19:30
- 19:30

- Erins Own
- Erins Own
Referee: TBC (Pending)
Referee: TBC (Pending)
Comment: Moved from 06/04
Venue: Killeagh
Comment: Moved from 06/04
- 17/04/2025
- Caherlag
- Erins Own

- Erins Own
- 19:30
- 19:30

- Fermoy
- Fermoy
Referee: TBC (Pending)
Referee: TBC (Pending)
Comment: Moved from 20/04
Venue: Caherlag
Comment: Moved from 20/04
- 16/02/2025 14:00
- 14:00
- Carrigtwohill

- 3-11 v 1-7
- Carrigtwohill
- 3-11 v 1-7

- Erins Own
- Erins Own
Referee: Rory O'Connell
Referee: Rory O'Connell
Comment: Quarter-Final 'C' / "Winner on the day" applies
Comment: Quarter-Final 'C' / "Winner on the day" applies